Friday, January 27, 2012


At teenage boy got home from a a party.
Silently crept upstairs to his bedroom
Nobody saw or heard him arrive
His mother asked him what time he got home and he said one a clock supposedly.
Mom & teen boy

Where there cameras in the house? No
What kind of neighbors? Not nosy
What time did the mom go to sleep? At 9
When was the party ? Saturday
Did she know he was at the party ? YEA
Did he drive home ? Yess
Is his room close to his moms room ?
Was his mom out of town? Noo
Alarm? Noo
Did she have someone following him? Noo
Where the shoes by the door? Yes
Were they by the matt? Yes
Where the shoes outside? Yes

I think that his mom knew he had gotten home because she knew that he was going to go out so she knew he was going to come back.


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