Tuesday, January 10, 2012


They are people that are occupied wall street in New York. The 23 year old got on September 20 something and his camping there everyday since. He thinks that if you see someone doing something bad and your not doing anything about it its of your fault to. He works to make sure the park stays clean.He fears that if the city kicks them out is because of the health problem. Kait went because she had heard about it from some of her friends and saw the Brooklyn Bridge and because 700 people got arrested and taught why shouldn't I not get arrested for hearing your voice.  I think that what there doing is great because if your a college but yet when you get out of college and you have to get a job and pay off the student loans how are you going to pay them with this economy that is so bad and there are not jobs out there. I think i would even do that Pretest for what i believe in.

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