Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Capitalism is when the govermnet does not get involved in our ecomonic situation. It is a free market economy Socialism I think is depending what social class you are in like if you are in high society, medium like they are not rich but they can survive. Last but not least the low class like they live in extrme poverty. In this country like i daid before we have a free market economy. In this coutry we should have the same ecomonic system we have right now. We do not want the government to get involved with our economic situation. Which I think is the best option because that way we dont get angry that the government messes with our ecomony alot and they get in our business or they have acces to out account and they take many out of our account.That is if the bankig system even existed for all we know if we were to have a diffrent economic system the banking system would not exist.

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