Thursday, April 12, 2012


I actually agree with him because they had no right to send people of to fight if they dindnt want to. I dont think that was right because if we do have freedom of speech and freedom in general if our men didnt want to fight then they shouldnt have to. He is very right they could have rebelled agaisnt the fact that they had to go to war becase they didnt want to go to war i mean they had there whole life ahead of them, some of them werre very young and they basically signed  them of for death .

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


It is amazing how alert the kids were  about the atomic bomb. It is a good ting though that they kept them alert because if something really bad where to happen and they ducked and covered that could have saved there life. It's also a good thing that they made the whole duck and cover thing into a cartoon that way the kids learned the routine faster because what ever they see on tv it sticks to them and they will always memorize it. They will follow the cartoons duck and cover.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Based on the video the Vietnam War was brutal like any other war which wasn't a good thing. The sooldierws must have suffered alot i mean who wouldnt of had right ? Then again atleast they know they did something good as to freeing the contry from communism which must be a good feeling but there family members must not have thought the same way. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012


A great leader is a person who cares about someone else besides themselves. They want to care for the people in there society or group. For example Martin Luther King Jr. wasa great leader fot the afrocan american community also Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks sat in the bus while a white person wanted the seat she was in she didnt stand up because she was tired and she had as much right as any other person in that bus. There voice was heard through them and they wanted more freedom and they got it because thy and other great leaders fought for there rights. Which is what a great leader should do fight for there people no matter what the circumstances are. They should always be there for the people and if the people dont like something they should change it or atleast make an effort to change it.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I believe that citizens should rebel against there country or government when there government is taking away freeedom of speech and freedom of religion. The reason why is because I think these two things are very important to everyone they shoould get to say whatever is on there mind except if it puts other peoples lives in danger. Also if the government is being racist or they dont let a certaing culture of that country do something that there used to doing and it is part of there culture.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Capitalism is when the govermnet does not get involved in our ecomonic situation. It is a free market economy Socialism I think is depending what social class you are in like if you are in high society, medium like they are not rich but they can survive. Last but not least the low class like they live in extrme poverty. In this country like i daid before we have a free market economy. In this coutry we should have the same ecomonic system we have right now. We do not want the government to get involved with our economic situation. Which I think is the best option because that way we dont get angry that the government messes with our ecomony alot and they get in our business or they have acces to out account and they take many out of our account.That is if the bankig system even existed for all we know if we were to have a diffrent economic system the banking system would not exist.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


The cold war a serious war. Byt eh video we can tell that the cold war was and is importtant because it brought us to be a technological country. I think its very interesting that because of the cold war i anm typing this right now . Because of the cold war the internet and more importantly the computer exist which is a very useful tool for everything.