Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I think that the kind of music or the type of clothes you wear say a lot about a person. For example if your a girl and you wear baggy clothes, big jeans and big t-shirts it means you are a tomboy you don't like to dress up all girly with pink clothes. On the other hand if you wear very colorful skirts and dresses, you like matching all the time and you like to change your outfits and the color of your outfits depending on the seasons it means your a girly girl and you like to keep up with fashion. When it comes to music wise people might say oh look she's ghetto because she listens to a lot of hip hop and rap. People might also say oh look she or he is very very Mexican because they listen to very Mexican music.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


This video is most likely represents the people back in the days when slavery started. They just got people took them away from there tribes and sold them mkost likely. You could just see the sadnesss, and schock in there eyes of how they were being taken away from there family and people they loved. I wouldnt want to be sold as a slave or be taken as anyones property they most likely tried too fight but they was only one of them and many of the people that were tying to take them as slaves they had no option but to go. The way they were treated when they go tcaptured was bad and if that was bad imagine how they treated them when they actually got to another place as a slave.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Well this video shows us how peopleform the 14th century Europe died ior why they died. I hated rats before but now i hatethem evn more. Based on this video you can tell that people back in the 14thcentury if they got a disease they were dead because people back in  those days didnt knoe about alot pof diseases out there they probably tought it was a flu or something like that. This ideo just comes to show you that its surprising how a disease can spreed very very quickly and kill many people. Just because a flee drank blood form a rat now drinks blood from you, you are coughing up blod from everywhere or even yet worse coughing upo your own lungs thats disguisting and it sounds like a very peinful death. Something i defintly do not want to go through.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This passage feels like this city was very friendly. The King you could tell was a very nice men you could tell he didn't care if they were poor or anything. The reason why is because he invited everyone to the palace for parties they  had this city was very friendly towards each other . I wish everyone in this century was like that because life would be much easier and more enjoyebel.For example when there was parties at the palace the same day n;like there was a wedding and a banquet they didn't bother each other they were in the same room but they didn't bother anyone they would mind there own business I bet things like that would have been really good. With people mining there own business but thing have changed and we have to deal with it oh well its life.